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Hazelnut Pest Control

Hazelnuts can be cultivated in hot climatic regions. These regions should have sufficient supply of water to produce quality nuts. These nuts tend to provide better results to all dietary needs exhibited by the body. Several vitamins can be extracted out of these nuts. These nuts are active ingredients of rich protein that are essential to carry out all the basic functions in human body. The climatic conditions and available nutrients from the soil determine the quality of nut obtained through cultivation. Also one needs to understand about the basic methodology about the hazelnut cultivation.

Issues in Hazelnut cultivation

Hazelnut cultivation is carried out in countries like Australia. The ambient conditions in these countries facilitate the production of nutrient-rich nuts. These nuts can also be exported to other countries to fetch huge profits. Hazelnut cultivation involves presence of soil that tends to permit adequate penetration of roots deep inside the soil. These nuts can be cultivated in the spring season so that adequate temperature is maintained. Presence of nutrients such as phosphorous is essential to get better growth. But there are certain issues that tend to produce massive impact over the growth of hazelnut cultivation. Elimination of pests is some of defining tasks to be carried out by the cultivators.

Pests in hazelnut cultivation

There are several kinds of pests that are present in the fields wherein hazelnut cultivation takes place are Almond moth, hazel aphid, beetle and mites. These tend to hinder the normal growth of hazelnuts. Bud mite that causes severe damage to hazelnuts should be identified early. Also presence of hazel aphid can cause direct impact over the crops. The big beetles and bud mites can inhibit the initial growth of crop. This can also institute the entry of secondary damages caused by pests. These serve as platform for attack from other pests too.

Pest control techniques

There are several pest control methodologies adopted by the people. Using organic fertilizers can bring down pests level considerably. Also one can maintain proper balance between organic fertilizers and soil nutrients by initiating growth of insects and plants that are beneficial for hazelnut crop. This is widely used method of pest control.

Article Summary:

Hazelnut cultivation involves effective management of pests by using proper pest control methods. There are varieties of pests that cause damage to growth pf hazelnut crops. Using organic fertilizers attack from pests such as bud mites can be prevented. Also employing proper beneficial insects growth can eliminate some of common pests involved in hazelnut cultivation.

Resource Box Info: One may get sufficient information about easy pest control methods adopted in hazel nut cultivation. To gain some more details about hazelnut pest control, one can visit This website offers comprehensive knowledge about the hazelnut cultivation techniques.

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