Posts Tagged Pest Control

Maggot Pest Control

A larval phase of any insect is known as the maggot. These things usually feed on the dead tissues of living organisms. It has both good and bad associated with it. In most medical industries it is used to make living things cure from their respective diseases. This form of therapy is known as maggot therapy. But it is also accepts a large no of living things too. Only if they are in controlled state they are helpful to the society in other cases they form the killer for the society.

Why maggot is harmful?

The reason for the question is quiet simple. In large cases of the maggots, form a threat to the pets and the nearby farm animals. This largely mentions the sheep. This is a big fact for the farmers to worry as they face this as a major problem. This is because most of the farmers depend upon the sheep for their source of income. If something is bothering it them it is bothering their whole economy. If the maggot attack is untreated then it would even result in the death of the cattle.

Ways to treat?

The only remedy to this problem is to go in for the maggot pest control. This is nothing but spray of pest control fluids that are more effective in controlling the growth and attack of the maggots. These attack the maggots in two ways. One is that it would directly cause a paralysis in the maggot. The other is that it would restrict their growing area. This is found to have a high effect over the maggots. This has formed a major boon for the farmers in fighting the diseases and effects caused by the maggots. They are hundred percent safe to use and will not cause any effect to the crop or the pest. So usage of this is recommended by many of the people.

Usage manual:

The ways to use the maggot control is very simple. The procedures main aim is to spray it at proper intervals and proper amount of the spray has to be done. If improper procedures are followed it would result in the spoilage of the crop. For this reason alone the caution is taken in these matters. The amount of this must be used in proper proportions. There is no standard proportion for this. It varies for each and every brand. But everything works great on the crops and fights best on the maggot.

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Knowing Earwig Infestation and Pest Control

Earwig is a small insect which is easily identifiable by its claws like rear part. These claws like structure are extremely innocuous and are called pincers. Even though they are harmless to us, they are much of a nuisance to the plants and the herbs that we grow in our backyard. The problem with the earwig is that it reproduces once in every twelve months and if favorable conditions prevail, they can produce up to 6o offspring. If you ever want to exterminate them from your garden or anywhere from the vicinity of your home, then the first thing that you ought to do is to get rid of moist places. The moist places are there breeding grounds.

Habitat sabotage

Before thinking of exterminating earwigs try to sabotage and destroy the habitats of earwigs completely from the vicinity of your home, because once you use chemicals on them and kill most of the earwigs, the remaining earwigs can again reproduce inside their habitat. So, first destroy their habitat and then their whole generation.


Preventing the earwig from camping in and around your home will help in solving most of the problems. To do that you should first try to bring down the light outside your home down, because these nasty little creatures are highly attracted to the bright lights. So, once the sun sets try to reduce the use of artificial lights. Clean the surrounding land because once you are equipped with necessary equipments to apply the insecticide, it will be useful and easy to apply on a plain ground rather than on a bushy mass.


There are times which are best suited to apply insecticides so that the effect is felt, one such season is the summer, to carry out the mission pest control earwigs. Because of the scorching sun the earwigs will come out of their underground nest. Cyper Cp is found by many of the users to be very effective in getting rid of earwigs. The one place where you should apply the insecticide is the foundation of your home. The foundation, most obviously, the moistest place in your home, so there you can get to many earwigs than elsewhere. See that your insecticide was provided with the crevices tool, which will be helpful in applying the insecticide into the crevices of the wall, and also in some gaps. Aerosol is the best form of insecticide because it spreads uniformly and easily even in the smallest of the gaps. Once you apply the insecticide most of the earwigs will die and you should clean them off instantly.

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Winter Organic Vegetable Growing and Production Improvement

The production of vegetables is largely altered when considering in the summer and winter. The production rate is much higher than what we get in the winter. This is of the usual scenario till last year. But there is appreciable growth in the current production year.

Reason for low production :

During winter seasons the climate in the area nearly drops to 0 degrees. This temperature is not suited for the vegetables that are grown in the area. The climate will retard the growth of the plant causing it give a low production rate. The vegetables water content gets frozen due to the cold temperature and this will cause the dying of plants and in some cases change in the chemical composition too. This is the main reason felt with the plants in the cold region by the vegetable farmers.

Steps to improve it:

The conventional process taken to overcome this difficulty faced by the farmers is by making use of the greenhouse climate to them. The greenhouse is a place where the whole room covered with the glasses so it will trap the sunlight in the room and cause a high temperature in the room than the surrounding to make the plants to grow fine as they grow in the summer. The plants also are easy to maintain in a closed atmosphere. The pest control is of a easy task over these areas. Then about considering the watering and other phenomenon more controlled environment can be provided to the plants grown in these areas. The growing rate can be improved in these plants by the usage of straw bales in the process. It is the wheat straw that are used often in their process.

Production Maintenance:

The production rate improvement can most significantly maintained by the use of more conventional implementation of the production laws. The first thing is removal of wastages, which can be achieved in the vegetables by eliminating the occurrence of defects in the vegetables. So the pest control and proper fertilizers has to be provided to the plants. In addition to it the transport defects has to mean and the necessary steps has to be taken to avoid it. The vegetable automation can be implemented to improve the production rate by reducing its ideal time. The periodic growth has to be improved by the use of inducers and catalyst to the on going process in the plants.

The production rate of vegetables in winter is very less. Shifting from the conventional growing process and using the greenhouse growing can improvise this. Then by using the production laws the rate of failure occurrence can be minimized. The other thing that has to be done is use the current technologies available.

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Hazelnut Production Guide – 2

Harvest: Hazelnut harvest in our country is usually done by hand picking and shaking the tree and collecting the nuts that fall. Hand picking method has been prevalent in earlier years, but the growth in production and manpower costs has made the latter method more feasible.

Storage: Hazelnuts are stored in sacks or in large containers. The warehouses that will store nuts should:

It makes cakes, beautiful and delicious

It makes cakes, beautiful and delicious

  • Have a few opposing windows open for ventilation with protection against winged pests.
  • Not be warmer than 15 or 20 degrees.
  • Not have water pipes run through them.
  • Have walls that will not let moisture through after constant rain.

If the nuts will be stored for more than one year, the temperature shouldn’t be above 4 degrees and the moisture should be around %60.

Pruning: Pruning of hazels start with initial shaping when they are first planted. Throughout their productive lives, pruning is one of the most important actions that help with yearly growth, yield and lifetime. Pruning causes trees to grow in shapes that allow more production and help with harvest and pest control. The pruning of root shoots keeps the nutrients for trees that produce hazelnuts.

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Conventional Cotton Farming Suffers From Toxic Flaws

For every destructive insect invader, there seems to be an equally motivated buggy defender prepared to rise up and turn the tide in favor of a crop’s survival. One can’t help but wonder why commercial farmers fail to rely exclusively on this built-in system of checks and balances – but then, the obvious comes into focus. Oh right…it all boils down to time and money. Mother Nature tends to take her sweet time restoring the natural order to a crop ecosystem, however, in our fast-paced society where livelihoods are contingent upon absolute guarantees of Read the rest of this entry »

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Organic Warfare — More On Organic Pest Control (Part 2)


We’re back again with installment 2 of our organic pest control guide, so we’ll continue by explaining more about “Cultural Measures” today.

One of the most important things to bear in mind is that strong plants are able to resist diseases and pests more effectively and for a greater length of time. Read the rest of this entry »

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Organic Warfare — More On Organic Pest Control (1)


Since our article on organic pest control recipes proved to touch on a very common problem, we have prepared a much longer and detailed guide on keeping those bugs away from your innocent plants. It starts with preventive measures and goes on to open warfare. Read the rest of this entry »

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