Posts Tagged water loss

Drip Irrigation Fittings

Agriculture is a vast field. Every human has to consume food in order to live. These food items are got only from the hardship of a farmer. As the technology improves many modern methods have evolved to sophisticate all including the farmers . Most of these focused only on reduction of burden on the farmer and not on the improvement of farming. One step was taken to provide optimized resource utilization in the agriculture field. The new invention and the one which takes care of this optimizing step is the drip irrigation process. Many are not aware of the drip irrigation process. Some of them are stubborn and are not ready to go in for another process. They feel safe and secure with the conventional process.

Why we have to go in for Drip irrigation?

As we all no water scarcity is the most faced problem around the globe. Not sufficient amount of water is present with many villages and their crops get spoiled due to it. So saving of water is a must for all of us. This can be easily achieved by the use of drip irrigation process instead of the conventional process. The wastage of water can be drastically reduced when drip irrigation is followed. The working principle of drip irrigation process is very simple and uses small openings in the hose to water the plant. The holes are so small that only drops of water emerge from these holes. So the water usage rate is so minimum and this is even smaller than the water intake rate of the plants. So the wastage of water is minimal and the utilization of water is optimum. The type of hoses used for this process is the soaker hose. This hose has minute holes of 1/6 to 1/4 inch diameter. And this is also has unique capability to work both on the surface and under the surface. The most important thing that is to be mentioned here is about the fittings.

Fittings in the drip irrigation process:

Water leakage and water loss in the fitting is the major loss in the case of any hose usage. The wear and tear is mostly felt at the fitting region. This can be reduced drastically if the special fittings are provided. The fittings used in the drip irrigation process is one of its kind. The fittings are more precisely manufactured and they form a tight fit. The clearance in between the threads are so minimum. The material these fittings are made up of is the brass. In addition to it hoses also posses this capability to fit perfectly with any pipes.

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Advantages of a Subsurface Drip Irrigation System

Drip irrigation systems are mostly installed permanently or semi-permanently above the ground. When applied to irrigate trees and vine crops, they promote no problem. However, when applied to irrigate field and vegetable crops, certain problems occur, mostly because the drip irrigation systems have to be installed and retrieved annually. The annual handling is harmful to the life time span of the system, even under the best handling conditions. Hence the subsurface drip irrigation system emerges.

The depth installment of subsurface drip irrigation system is determined by the soil type and the crops planted. An efficient installation has water moving at the depth of 4 to 30 inches beneath the surface, forming a continuous watered area along the plants row. Frequent irrigation cycles, up to several times every day, maximize capillary action and minimize water surfacing.

Four subsurface drip irrigation systems have been designed, installed and successfully produce better yields by the Water Management Research laboratory of the USDA in Fresno. The oldest one was installed in 1981 and used for three years to irrigate tomatoes. During those years, they also successfully produced twice as much broccoli, at the same farm.

Subsurface drip irrigation system allows the precise application of water, nutrients and other agricultural chemicals directly to the plants root zones. It allows the optimization of growing environment, which leads to higher quality and quantity crop yields.

With the same amount of water, subsurface drip irrigation system waters 46% larger volume of soil than any conventional (surface) drip irrigation system. It decreases the soil saturation, which not only leaves room for more air, but also improves water capillary movement and decreases water loss due to deep percolation. The top 15 – 20 cm of soil remains dry, therefore evaporation of water at the top of the soil may decrease and less salt will accumulate at the surface.

Permanent installation of subsurface drip irrigation system also provides considerable labor saving since irrigation can be applied while the whole equipment stays in the farm.

Any soil surface crusts which usually lead to infiltration problems are no longer trouble makers; they are bypassed if this subsurface drip irrigation system is installed. Other farming applications required to support the conventional drip irrigation system is no longer required, too.

Since subsurface drip irrigation system is installed below the ground, all components are not exposed to sun light, constant wetting, weather changes and other environmental changes. It is expected to last longer than the conventional drip irrigation system.

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Why Use Drip Irrigation? 25 Advantages and Techniques

  1. Provides watering opportunities during any time of the day without being dependent upon wind speed.
  2. Facilitates farming by utilizing modest water applications without running the risk of plant stress.
  3. Energy dependency is reduced significantly since watering can be done via a low pressure area.
  4. Increases efficiency and quality of productfrom 20-90%.
  5. Product ripens 2-3 week earlier. Read the rest of this entry »

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