Posts Tagged sprinkling

Drip Irrigation Timer

Some of us would have come across the word drip irrigation. We all know irrigation is a process of providing water to the plants, but we don’t know what is drip irrigation. Drip irrigation is nothing but, providing water to the specific plant at specific place at specific time. The conventional process of irrigation satisfies these thing, then why is that we should go in for a new process of irrigation. The answer to this question is very simple.

Why drip irrigation is needed ?

The need for drip irrigation is due to the difference or advantage it has over the conventional process. The drip irrigation saves water while the others waste them. Water is a big problem faced by many of the countries. So saving water is very essential to all of mankind. The process of drip irrigation is very simple and its application is also very easy. The working principle involved is that the plants are provided water with minute holes in the hoses. These hoses are known as soaker hoses. The soaker hose works by the principle of capillary outlets. There are very small holes in the range of 1/6 to 1/4 of an inch. These holes form the outlet or source of water supply to the plants. The other great advantage in these hoses are that, it can fit with any type of fittings and pipes. This advantage is got by the hose due to the fact that it poses brass fittings at the ends. The higher end hoses even poses greater advantages than the lower end hoses. They are manufactured precisely to meet the standards. The hose can be placed above the soil or as in some cases buried in the soil. This is how people grow plants in dry places. They are highly advantageous and capable of providing plants in any soil conditions. The other thing is that, it saves water by reducing the sprinkling and showering.

Drip irrigation timing :

The other important thing that is so far not mentioned about the drip irrigation is that it can be integrated with mechatronics system. The water is provided to the plants based upon the actuation of valves. The valve opening and closing time can be automated using mechatronics system. So the water is provided to the plants at proper intervals and proper amount of water can be given to the plants. The advantage of the drip irrigation is doubled on application of the timing system in the process.

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Center Pivot Sprinkler

Unmanned irrigation Systems

Center pivot sprinkler are the latest trends that has developed in the irrigation system in a very great manner. These irrigation systems are operated without a man. These center pivot sprinkler are the systems which work based on the timer that is pre loaded in its circuit which helps it to sprinkle daily at a particular time in the day and in the evening. This ensures that no crop gets dried because of the lack of water supply to them. This also maintains the productivity of the crops in a field. This type of irrigation systems are used in fields which are basically round in shape.

Center Pivot Sprinkler

In this type of irrigation system the sprinklers spray the water from a huge nozzle that is mounted on a center pivot through which a pipe runs through. This pipe carries water through it. Some fields also add some fertilizers which are water soluble and they are sprayed in the fields directly. There are many advantages in this type of irrigation system. Some of the systems also use the moisture and temperature sensors of the environment and in the sand. By sensing these parameters the computer system embedded in the irrigation system could come to know when and where to irrigate, thus controlling the parameters and the health of the crop that is produced in the field.

Disadvantages of Center Pivot Sprinkler

Any system in the world will have both advantages and the disadvantages in it. This holds good for center pivot sprinkler also. Some of the disadvantages of the sprinkler are that this is not suitable to irrigate a large field which is in a shape of a rectangle or a square. This is because the sprinkling takes place in a circular area only. Hence if you have a square field then the corners of the field will not be sprinkled thus causing malnutrition and maldistribution. And another disadvantage in this system is that some of the water and the fertilizers that are sprayed after atomizing are sometimes carried away by the wind if the crop field is situated in a windy region. These may again lead to improper distribution of the water and the fertilizers to the crops. Also there are more chances of these atomized particles to evaporate into the atmosphere hence loss of water directly and fertilizers in a very large amount.

Article Summary: The circular shape of the irrigation system can also lead to less cultivable area and the maintenance cost for this type of irrigation system is also very high compared to the conventional type of irrigation system.

Resource Box Info: One can visit the following website to get the cost of the equipment of the centre pivot sprinkler

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Irrigation Sprinkler Heads

Advancements in the field of manufacturing have brought in special devices that can replace conventional irrigation systems. Conventional irrigation involves wastage of water with poor water productivity exhibited. Also these irrigation systems have limited range that can be achieved. Also flexibility in conventional irrigation systems is totally absent. All these have paved way for entry of new type of irrigation system named sprinkler head irrigation systems.

An overview of irrigation sprinkler heads

Sprinkler heads are component of irrigation systems that tend to irrigate land by sprinkling action. This sprinkling action is achieved by powering water through small nozzles. The irrigation obtained through sprinkler heads is flexible. It can have better reach compared to other irrigation system. Precision machining has also improved the durability of sprinkler heads appreciably making it useful for sufficient duration of time.

Types of sprinkler heads

There are several types of sprinkler heads that are employed to different types of application. The selection of a specific sprinkler head is dependent on the dimensions of the cultivable land.

  • Tripod type sprinklers

Tripod type of sprinklers is present with stand that facilitates the use of sprinklers to be positioned at particular direction. The direction can also be varied by actuating controls of tripod. Mechanical linkages are present to move them manually. The hose or tubing can be attached to the sprinkler head at specific location.

  • Pop up sprinkler heads

Pop up type sprinklers is popular among all the cultivators present all over the world. The water is sprayed to longer distance at particular pressure. Thus longer reach can be achieved. Different types of nozzles are available to cater all the range of land. These are placed on the surface of ground and water supply can be connected to them with suitable hose.

  • Rotor type sprinklers

Rotor type sprinkler heads are available in commercial market. These rotor sprinklers are used to irrigate all around the land. The reach can be talked based on the angle covered by the heads. Certain designs can have longer reach as well as better angular cover all around the land.

Article Summary:

Sprinkler head irrigation systems can be utilized to irrigate large range of cultivable land. The design of sprinkler heads differs based on the application of irrigation system to particular land. There are different types of sprinkler heads that are employed in regular agricultural practice namely rotor type sprinklers and pop up spray sprinklers.

Resource Box Info: This page discusses about usefulness of sprinkler heads in agriculture practice. Irrigation using sprinkler heads are discussed briefly here. One can visit to obtain some more information regarding the topic. Also details about other irrigation systems can also be acquired from the website.

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Agricultural Production of Melon

Melons belong to the Cucurbitaceae family. The plant grows in the form of a vine. It is basically a fruit, but some of it forms may be taken as ‘culinary vegetables’.

Many different varieties of melons are produced including Crenshaw, Juan Canary, Persian and Honeydew. Here is a look at the different factors involved in agricultural melon production.


Melons grow best in well-drained soils. Heavier soils are proffered because they can hold more water, which slows the start of the collapsing of vines, to ensure that melons grow with as little soil contact as possible, beds should left cloddy.


Too much saturation can be a stimulant for root rot diseases and ground spotting of fruit especially close to harvesting time. Furrow-irrigation method is usually used for melon production because sprinkling has a cooling effect on soil. Irrigations are scheduled as required to allow the replacement of moisture in the beds. The last irrigation is usually scheduled a week before the harvest.


Preplant P2O5 at 100 to 150 pounds/acre is used by majority of the growers. Materials that are commonly used for fertilization include liquid ammonium phosphate (10-34-0) as a band application near the lines of the seeds or ammonium phosphate (11-52-0) prior to listing the beds. A side stressing of N is used at 150 pounds/acre. It is a normal practice to use to use a liquid solution of UAN-32 (urea-ammonium nitrate.32-0-0) or AN-20 (liquid ammonium nitrate, 20-0-0) as the N source in place of dry N fertilizers.


The recommendation is at least one colony of bees/acre; one and one-half colonies/acre is best. The distribution of bees should be such that they are present on at least two sides of a 40-acre field; it is even better if the bees are present within the fields. If the bees are present in large numbers yields are increased. Fruit-producing flowers open only for a day. A well pollinated flower will be visited by 15 bees on average during this period of time. The flower aborts if it’s poorly pollinated. Near the crown of the plant is where the best quality, largest size and earliest maturing melons are produced. For this reason, an adequate number of bees should be present in the field when the first male blossoms develop.

Integrated Pest Control

This includes weed control and insect identification and control. The herbicides that are available for weed management are not very effective, Majority of the growers use mechanical cultivation and hand hoeing for weed control.

Melons produced in the fall season are attacked by crickets, cutworms, aphids, ground battles and some other insects. Spring melons are attacked by mites, melon aphids, cutworms and a few other insects.

Furrow irrigation reduces sudden wilt, which is a serious problem that affects melons after fruit set

Post harvest Handling

Mixed melons can be injured by wrong chilling temperatures. 7 degree centigrade is the temperature that is best for honeydews, Crenshaw’s and Persians and 10 degree centigrade for casabas.

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