Posts Tagged sprinklers

Lawn irrigation systems

Sprinkle your field

Lawn irrigation systems can be implemented in many places. You can use them in your gardens also. The lawn irrigation system is best suited for plants that need just the right amount of water. Because if you provide an irrigation system that over irrigates the field then there are many chances for the crops to also get washed away along with the water. Many fields which include the crops which do not have a strong base roots and which can not withstand the strong current of water flowing through the conventional irrigation system can be irrigated with the help of lawn irrigation systems. This is the reason why all the gardens and the backyard grasses are irrigated using the lawn irrigation systems.

Lawn irrigation systems

Lawn irrigation systems work with a sprinkler fixed at the top portion of the pipe which projects out from the ground. The sprinkler works on the principle of moments. When the water flows on the flaps they cause force on the flaps there by causing the flaps to turn along with the top sprinkler. This ensures proper spraying of the entire fields. This also increases the uniformity of the production of the crops in the fields. This also reduces the lack of water to plants as in conventional irrigation this is the only disadvantage. This is called as the maldistribution of water. That is, some of the plants get more water while the others starve of water. Thus causing them to dry and they might die because of the insufficient water supply to those plants.

Disadvantage of lawn irrigation systems

Although there are many advantages in the case of the lawn irrigation system, there are also the same number of disadvantages in the lawn irrigation system. One of the major disadvantages of this system is that you can not be able to implement this on a large field which is in hundreds of acres as you need to install them for every 3 meters or so. This increases the initial investment in the irrigation systems. These irrigation systems are mainly used in the small farm lands where the flow of water is continuous. Also these systems use many mechanical devices which could fail during their life period. Hence to minimize this you need to invest a lot on the maintenance cost for them.

Article Summary: Lawn irrigation system is the most economical way to irrigate small and medium fields which grow crops and other flowers. They can be timed using timers so that no man is necessary to sprinkle and irrigate the fields. Thus the crops can grow healthy when they get water in time.

Resource Box Info: This article discusses about the implementation, applications and some of the advantages and disadvantages of the lawn irrigation systems. For more information on the irrigation system you can visit

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Center Pivot Sprinkler

Unmanned irrigation Systems

Center pivot sprinkler are the latest trends that has developed in the irrigation system in a very great manner. These irrigation systems are operated without a man. These center pivot sprinkler are the systems which work based on the timer that is pre loaded in its circuit which helps it to sprinkle daily at a particular time in the day and in the evening. This ensures that no crop gets dried because of the lack of water supply to them. This also maintains the productivity of the crops in a field. This type of irrigation systems are used in fields which are basically round in shape.

Center Pivot Sprinkler

In this type of irrigation system the sprinklers spray the water from a huge nozzle that is mounted on a center pivot through which a pipe runs through. This pipe carries water through it. Some fields also add some fertilizers which are water soluble and they are sprayed in the fields directly. There are many advantages in this type of irrigation system. Some of the systems also use the moisture and temperature sensors of the environment and in the sand. By sensing these parameters the computer system embedded in the irrigation system could come to know when and where to irrigate, thus controlling the parameters and the health of the crop that is produced in the field.

Disadvantages of Center Pivot Sprinkler

Any system in the world will have both advantages and the disadvantages in it. This holds good for center pivot sprinkler also. Some of the disadvantages of the sprinkler are that this is not suitable to irrigate a large field which is in a shape of a rectangle or a square. This is because the sprinkling takes place in a circular area only. Hence if you have a square field then the corners of the field will not be sprinkled thus causing malnutrition and maldistribution. And another disadvantage in this system is that some of the water and the fertilizers that are sprayed after atomizing are sometimes carried away by the wind if the crop field is situated in a windy region. These may again lead to improper distribution of the water and the fertilizers to the crops. Also there are more chances of these atomized particles to evaporate into the atmosphere hence loss of water directly and fertilizers in a very large amount.

Article Summary: The circular shape of the irrigation system can also lead to less cultivable area and the maintenance cost for this type of irrigation system is also very high compared to the conventional type of irrigation system.

Resource Box Info: One can visit the following website to get the cost of the equipment of the centre pivot sprinkler

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4 Types of Drip Irrigation Tubing

Drip irrigation tubing is one of most important components of a drip irrigation system. It is responsible for delivering water to the sprinklers, emitters and misters. Without it, the water flow to plants is cut off.

There are several types of drip irrigation tubing, each with its own specific purpose. The most common types are: 1/2 inch distribution tubing, 1/4 inch distribution tubing, soaker tubing and emitter tubing. Installing the proper drip irrigation tubing for your drip irrigation system is extremely important.

1/2 inch distribution tubing is used as the main water supply. It runs from the tap to the 1/4 inch distribution tubing, soaker tubing and emitter tubing. It can be used either above or below the soil. If you are to purchase this type of drip irrigation tubing, you can choose either one of these length: 50, 100 and 500 feet.

1/4 inch distribution tubing is used to connect the 1/2 inch tubing to the sprinklers, emitters and misters. It is the supply line so you need to punch a hole in it and connect it to a 1/4 inch barbed coupler.

Soaker tubing is similar to soaker hose. You need to connect this drip irrigation tubing to the 1/2 inch supply line using the 1/4 inch barbed connector. But if you want to connect it to the 1/4 inch supply line, use the 1/4 inch barbed tee connector.

Emitter tubing is the drip irrigation tubing used for spot watering, designed specifically to put an emitter every 12 inches. Just like the soaker tubing, you need to connect it to the supply line with the 1/4 inch barbed connector.

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Irrigation Fruit Trees

Agriculture field has envisaged several progresses in recent years. One can validate those progresses from the output of cultivable land in some part of world. In countries like Australia, due to hot climate it is possible to raise certain type of nuts. Hazelnuts can be cultivated in these regions. Some of fruit tress can be cultivated in European countries. Fruit trees such as apples can be cultivated in hilly regions. Though the climatic conditions and product after cultivation differs, the common thing that binds all crops is irrigation. The irrigation fruit trees are considered to be challenging task for cultivators. Since different tree crop require different watering amount, it complicates the issue of irrigation. But irrigation of fruit tress can be done by certain qualified methods.

Fruit trees cultivation

Fruit trees can be cultivated in different landscapes. The agricultural practices have shown that fruit trees cultivation involve large amount of time to make the crop earn fruits in large number. Based on the techniques employed in science and technology, one can develop hybrid crops that fruits in short interval of time. Also one can be sure about the type of irrigation that is to be employed based on the type of crop cultivated. Generally cultivation of fruits such as oranges and other citrus fruits are done in places where cool atmosphere is maintained through some 3 or 4 months in a year.

How to irrigate fruit trees

Generally fruits are cultivated in orchards. These orchards are generally irrigated by drip irrigation and sprinklers that tend to provide massive supply of water with better range in short duration of time. Fruit trees can be irrigated based on the shape and size of the land that is used for cultivation. Some of major irrigation systems employed for cultivation involve furrow irrigation. The furrow irrigation can be employed to facilitate increased supply of the water to tree crops that are placed along the channels. Also some fruit trees require only optimum range of moisture content to be maintained upon. Hence drip irrigation can be employed.

Article Summary:

Irrigation of fruit trees is generally dependent on the water productivity that can be achieved through the crops. The water productivity of different crop varies. Accordingly type of irrigation employed can differ from furrow irrigation to sprinkler irrigation. Based on water supplies available in a particular location, cultivation of fruit tree can be instituted. In difficult terrains, channels are made to irrigate fruit crops.

Resource Box Info: One can acquire useful information about irrigation fruit trees from this article. To obtain sufficient information regarding the topic, one can run down pages at website Also one can vital information regarding special irrigation systems employed in modern day agriculture.

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Drip Irrigation System Vs Others

The function of a well-managed irrigation system is to deliver the right amount of water to a specified area in your yard or garden. This process can be performed using many different methods. One such method is drip irrigation. Drip irrigation system delivers water, a drop at a time wherever it is needed, specifically at the root of the plants. Depending on the system you are using you can also provide humidity and get it to mist.

Drip irrigation systems are of 3 types. The first system consists of a thin plastic tube that runs through the garden and thinner tubes that terminate in emitters are attached to it. Plastic nozzles which are the emitters enable the water to nozzles escape in the form of a trickle. One nozzle should be used for each plant.  The second system is made up of plastic lines that cross the garden back and forth and contain in-line nozzles that are placed at regular intervals. This installation process of the second system is easier but it is not as precise as the first one. A dual-chambered hose is present in the third system. It works by routing water through a larger hose that fills with water and then fills a smaller tube under equalized pressure. The tube holes give out water at an even rate. You can bury it underground or hide it under layers of mulch. However, any type of digging in the garden should be done carefully to avoid any accidental damage to the hoses. With drip irrigation systems you can time the release of water.

With the help of these systems you can reduce water by up to half. It provides the required amount of water gradually, reducing the chances of puddle or runoff issues.

Drip irrigation system is unlike other watering systems such as sprinklers, sprinkler and soaker hoses. Although sprinklers are less expensive and easier to install, they tend to waste water. On very hot days water from sprinkler systems can also evaporate before reaching the ground.

Sprinkler hoses are designed to lie on top of the surface and spray water from holes. The water comes out in a shower rather than a trickle. They do not drown plants but they do not posses the penetration and precision of drip irrigation systems.

Soaker hoses contain pores and you can bury them under mulch. Soaker hoses provide small amounts of water slowly and directly to the roots of specific plants. They can efficiently deliver small amounts of water to plants. However, soaker hoses are not easily adaptable to the landscape. They cannot for plants in pots and they may also apply uneven amounts of water if they are not placed on flat ground. This problem can be avoided if short runs of hoses are used and if the hoses are run along contour lines. Rubber soaker hoses have a long life

In some areas, there are restrictions and regulations in place regarding the use of drip irrigation systems. You should check if these apply to your area. Drip irrigation takes care of a lot of watering problems but is not feasible for use on lawns. Cost is a also a factor; it is more expensive to purchase and install a drip irrigation system when compared to the other choices mentioned above.

Choosing a watering system will depend on your needs. Cost, rate of delivery, and efficiency factors are the main factors to consider. Any of these systems will be much better than hand watering your plants.

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