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Drip Irrigation Timer

Some of us would have come across the word drip irrigation. We all know irrigation is a process of providing water to the plants, but we don’t know what is drip irrigation. Drip irrigation is nothing but, providing water to the specific plant at specific place at specific time. The conventional process of irrigation satisfies these thing, then why is that we should go in for a new process of irrigation. The answer to this question is very simple.

Why drip irrigation is needed ?

The need for drip irrigation is due to the difference or advantage it has over the conventional process. The drip irrigation saves water while the others waste them. Water is a big problem faced by many of the countries. So saving water is very essential to all of mankind. The process of drip irrigation is very simple and its application is also very easy. The working principle involved is that the plants are provided water with minute holes in the hoses. These hoses are known as soaker hoses. The soaker hose works by the principle of capillary outlets. There are very small holes in the range of 1/6 to 1/4 of an inch. These holes form the outlet or source of water supply to the plants. The other great advantage in these hoses are that, it can fit with any type of fittings and pipes. This advantage is got by the hose due to the fact that it poses brass fittings at the ends. The higher end hoses even poses greater advantages than the lower end hoses. They are manufactured precisely to meet the standards. The hose can be placed above the soil or as in some cases buried in the soil. This is how people grow plants in dry places. They are highly advantageous and capable of providing plants in any soil conditions. The other thing is that, it saves water by reducing the sprinkling and showering.

Drip irrigation timing :

The other important thing that is so far not mentioned about the drip irrigation is that it can be integrated with mechatronics system. The water is provided to the plants based upon the actuation of valves. The valve opening and closing time can be automated using mechatronics system. So the water is provided to the plants at proper intervals and proper amount of water can be given to the plants. The advantage of the drip irrigation is doubled on application of the timing system in the process.

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