Posts Tagged nitrogen

Tomato Growing- 3 Simple Tips to Increase The Yield of Luscious Fruit

It’s very common to see people who have got tired by tasting the tomatoes that are bought from the grocery store. If you are one among those people, it will be a great idea to grow tomatoes in your home garden. Tomato Growing is not at all a very tough task, as many people consider it to be. Once you have started to grow tomatoes by incorporating Read the rest of this entry »

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10 Tips on Growing Tomatoes

There are more and more people growing tomatoes today, either for industrial or personal purposes. In fact, tomatoes are the most popular homegrown vegetable. It is due to two reasons: tomatoes are delicious, and growing tomatoes is easy. There are so many books written on growing tomatoes, but you do not have to read them all. Their basics are quite… well, basic. This article will help you growing tomatoes, the simplest way ever. Read the rest of this entry »

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Straw as Fodder

Straw, as the reader is no doubt aware, is an organic by-product that contains a great amount of cellulose and has a low nutrient value. But it is hard to say that it is an important fodder because it has nearly no nutrient content. Main use of straw in livestock raising is it’s value as roughage, especially for cattle. But also, it is a very cheap material and for years there have been research to improve it’s nutrient profile. This research proved some results by which the straw might become a useful fodder.

Physical Method : Even though many books have different opinions, straw should be cut in 5cm parts before being given to the animal.

Chemical Method: Adding sodium hydroxide or ammonia to straw will make cell walls collapse and increase the surface area to ease digestion. Adding nitrogen will increase the raw protein value. Generally, adding sodium hydroxide will increase the energy value of straw while adding ammonia will increase the proteins. Good use of this method will transform straw to a fodder of equal quality to dried clover.

Biologic Method : A very expensive method that will be used in the future when the general awareness for nature and sensitivity to health will be much better than today; it involves adding artificial enzymes and some microorganisms to straw in order to improve food quality.

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Fertilizing and Preparing Soil Prior To Planting Roses

In order to make the roses grow fast and take root easily, the soil must be prepared very well. If the soil has never been
worked on before, it must be processed deeply.

If the soil is sandy, heavy fertilizers ( composite ones, such as cattle manure ) work best. If the soil is rich in clay and/or limestone, the evergreen plant remains, or animal manure work best. Read the rest of this entry »

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