Posts Tagged maximum production

Drip Irrigation Systems versus Other Worse Irrigation Systems and Methods

Drip irrigation has turned out to be the best method for irrigating the crops. Many crops fail due to the lack of water. Water is the main reason for the growth and if the water is supplied at the right time then we can get maximum production. Drip irrigation is the best solution for the drought hit areas or the areas with low water.

A drip irrigation system consists of the drippers and the PVC pipes connected to every plant in the farm. The water is uniformly distributed to the plants in the form of the drops with the help of these PVC pipes. The drops from the pipes directly flow into the roots and therefore avoid flooding of the nearby area. A flooding usually results because the plants cannot take up the water after a limit. Usually flooding, leads to the growth of the weeds in the farms. As the drip water system needs just drops of water for the growth of the plants, there is a greater chance for the water conservation in the drip irrigation. The drops are also well absorbed by the plants.

Benefits of using drip irrigation systems:

Drip irrigation system has a lot of advantages when compared with the other systems which may include the following:

  1. Since the water is allowed to flow to a particular area, the flooding of the area is greatly reduced.
  2. Only 1/10th or 1/20th of the water required for the normal cultivation is needed.
  3. Drippers ensure that the water percolates well into the ground. In the case of the sprinkler systems the bushes present on the surface doesn’t allow the water to pass into the ground.
  4. It also reduces the attack of pests to a greater extent, as the humid conditions are required for the growth of the pests. But in this system, the humidity is reduced to a greater extent, as the water is well directed into the soil.
  5. It also prevents the washout of the top soil by the water as the water is concentrated in the form of the drops at a particular area.

Disadvantages of using the drip irrigation system:

  1. Drip irrigation system is more expensive than the traditional systems, but once the system has been constructed then we will not suffer from the lack of water.
  2. The life span of the drip irrigation system is also less usually 10 to 15 years.
  3. The drippers must be replaced if the periodic flushing is not carried out which further adds to the cost.

Drip irrigation system is popular among the commercial growers and now-a-days it is also becoming popular among the small scale farmers and gardeners as well. On the whole the drip irrigation system is the best technique to irrigate your field without much wastage of water.

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Organic Raspberry Cultivation and Production

Raspberries are supplied to the fresh fruit market and also to commercial processing units, which process it into juice, individually quick frozen (IQF) fruit, purée, or as dried fruit used in different grocery products.

Raspberries require plenty of sun and water for optimal development. Moist conditions are essential but, wet and heavy soils or excess irrigation can cause Phytophthora root rot which is one of the most serious pest problems that the red raspberry plant faces. It is easy to grow and can spread around if not pruned. Raspberries can be seen as garden weeds that grow because of the seeds present in bird droppings.

Regions that are not very hot in summers are ideal for raspberry production, and also it shouldn’t rain in the harvest season. Soil that contains a lot of organic matter is best, and it should also be able to hold water with good drainage. Soils that are very heavy, light, or with bad drainage should not be used for raspberry production.

200-250 centimeters of distance between saplings is enough, if you are going to make use of a tractor. The process of planting is the same as of other fruits; you dig the marked places and put the saplings inside. You should plant at a depth of 20 cm.

Excessive use of nitrogen will make the fruits soft and reduce their value in the market; therefore, fertilizers with nitrogen in them should be used with care. To achieve maximum production, putting 3-4 kilograms of organic fertilizer into the planting holes is best.

A new production method recently was used in which liquid organic fertilizer was successfully used in tomato production during the growing season and this method can also be adapted to organic raspberry production with success.  Usually plants are grown using woven plastic mulches in organic as well as conventional raspberry production because of the fact that it requires less labor.    A number of viruses also attack raspberry and apart from these viruses raspberry is also attacked by fungi, mites and insects.  In raspberry production fungal disease like botrytis-rot can be reduced by using the tunnel growing method.  In Norway it is allowed to use physical or mechanical measures and also biological control in the organic production of red raspberries.

30 centimeters is the height where the rods should be cut off. This should be done right after planting them. Increasing the number of raspberries is best done by collecting shoots and planting them. This is best done in autumn and spring, but the shoots should at least be 15 centimeters in length.

If done properly, raspberry production yields 1000 to 2500 kilos for each hectare.

Harvest is done by picking the fruit twice every week. This can be done more often in hot and dry weather. The picked fruit is then prepared for transport.

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Organic Raspberry Production‏

The best regions for raspberry production aren’t very hot in summers, and there shouldn’t be any rain in harvest season. Most suitable soil is rich in organic matter, and can hold water with good drainage. Soil thats is very heavy, light, or with bad drainage should be avoided. Read the rest of this entry »

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