Posts Tagged efficiency

Drip Irrigation Soaker Hose

Irrigation is a common terminology to all of us. But the real meaning of it, is not known by many. Irrigation is a process of watering the plants artificially. This is done because, sufficient amount of water may not be present in that area or the season may not be correct for the cultivation. There are many artificial ways of irrigation possible. The normal way of irrigation is the  way in which the water is sent to the plants via a channel or tunnel and sprayed at the end. But the major problem faced in this process is that, the amount of water wasted in this is too high. The problem solver that originated due to tiresome effort of many scientist is the Drip irrigation process.

What is drip irrigation process ?

Drip irrigation is a new and advanced process, that is not known by many. The way it differentiates from the other process is by, making the water directly available to the most needed part, rather than spraying it or converging a large amount through channels. This is achieved by making small openings in a pipe and focusing the water supply to the plants. The advantage associated with it is that it can save water to a large extent. The other thing about it is that it can even make a dry land into a fertile land. It is environmental friendly and to add to its advantages it can even challenge the nature itself. This was developed due to many hours hard work of many scientist. It is environmental friendly and accepted world wide for its capability. The limiting factor for this process, is the efficiency of the soaker hose.

What is soaker hose and why it is needed ?

All would have come across what a irrigation process is and what are the advantages associated with it. The item required to incorporate this method on the field is a soaker hose. The soaker hose is a item which resembles the structure of a normal garden hose. The difference it has over the garden hose is that, it has minute holes throughout its external surface.  This forms the outlet for water to escape and irrigate the plants at particular places. The holes are so small that each hole is of the diameter of one by sixth to one by fourth of an inch. This is the working principle of  a soaker hose. The unique advantage of the soaker hose over the other hoses is that it can fit with and pipes and fittings.

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Drip Irrigation Systems vs Other Irrigation Systems

The drip irrigation is employed for the cultivation of variety of crops such as melon plants. Since only optimum moisture level is to be maintained within cultivation land, one can adopt drip irrigation. For plants like melon family need only less amount of water, drip irrigation can be handful. Read the rest of this entry »

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Drip Irrigation – A Way of Contributing the Environment

Many homeowners have begun to save water, both for the environment and to lighten the burden of excessively high utility bills each month. Planting a garden while watching your water usage can be a very tricky thing. Luckily, there are plans and designs to meet the needs of those wanting to plant a garden while saving water.

Drip irrigation systems allow you to efficiently water your garden while still reducing your water usage and lowering your monthly utility bill. Efficiently watering your garden consists of using the needed amount of water, exactly where it is needed and without wasting. Drip irrigation meets all these needs, typically exceeding more than ninety percent efficiency. Alternatively hand sprinkling, water hoses and yard sprinkling systems typically only fall between fifty and seventy percent efficient. This makes drip irrigation a much more likely candidate for those looking to conserve water.

Drip Irrigation

Drip Irrigation

There are advantages and disadvantages to virtually everything. The main advantages of drip irrigation include a lower usage of water, a much easier way of watering your garden and less wasting of water. There are two primary disadvantages, although the pros definitely outweigh the cons in this topic. The basic disadvantages of using this system are the required maintenance and the need to pay strict attention to your garden so that you know that the drip is working correctly.

You will need to monitor your garden every day to ensure that your drip irrigation system is working correctly and feeding your plants the exact amount of water that they need to grow and survive. Breaking lines, fittings pulling away from tubes and plugged emitters are the typical problems that you should expect to find. The longer you have your system in use, the more you will become accustomed to this routine maintenance and it will not take you long to get it done every day. Be sure that you also check your plants and ensure that they look healthy and thriving. You want to watch for any leaks in your system and check the soil around the system and your plants for signs of dryness or over-watering.

You may notice after having your system in place for a time that you need to adjust it. If you need to increase the amount of water that your plants are receiving or increase the amount for other plants, you can adjust the system as you need.

The way that drip irrigation works is by allowing water to slowly drip directly into the soil in your garden. This is done by using small water emitters. These emitters are placed at each plant. The water emitters are connected by tubing. Actually, if you already have a pressurized system you can convert this to a drip irrigation system with barely any work or knowledge of irrigation needed. As long as the system is above-ground, you can change is over fairly quickly and easily to an irrigation system and automatically water your garden. When installed correctly, a drip irrigation system can save you valuable time in caring for your garden. It can save you money on your water bill as well and help you to contribute to the environment by conserving the water that you are using.

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