Posts Tagged conventional irrigation

Lawn irrigation systems

Sprinkle your field

Lawn irrigation systems can be implemented in many places. You can use them in your gardens also. The lawn irrigation system is best suited for plants that need just the right amount of water. Because if you provide an irrigation system that over irrigates the field then there are many chances for the crops to also get washed away along with the water. Many fields which include the crops which do not have a strong base roots and which can not withstand the strong current of water flowing through the conventional irrigation system can be irrigated with the help of lawn irrigation systems. This is the reason why all the gardens and the backyard grasses are irrigated using the lawn irrigation systems.

Lawn irrigation systems

Lawn irrigation systems work with a sprinkler fixed at the top portion of the pipe which projects out from the ground. The sprinkler works on the principle of moments. When the water flows on the flaps they cause force on the flaps there by causing the flaps to turn along with the top sprinkler. This ensures proper spraying of the entire fields. This also increases the uniformity of the production of the crops in the fields. This also reduces the lack of water to plants as in conventional irrigation this is the only disadvantage. This is called as the maldistribution of water. That is, some of the plants get more water while the others starve of water. Thus causing them to dry and they might die because of the insufficient water supply to those plants.

Disadvantage of lawn irrigation systems

Although there are many advantages in the case of the lawn irrigation system, there are also the same number of disadvantages in the lawn irrigation system. One of the major disadvantages of this system is that you can not be able to implement this on a large field which is in hundreds of acres as you need to install them for every 3 meters or so. This increases the initial investment in the irrigation systems. These irrigation systems are mainly used in the small farm lands where the flow of water is continuous. Also these systems use many mechanical devices which could fail during their life period. Hence to minimize this you need to invest a lot on the maintenance cost for them.

Article Summary: Lawn irrigation system is the most economical way to irrigate small and medium fields which grow crops and other flowers. They can be timed using timers so that no man is necessary to sprinkle and irrigate the fields. Thus the crops can grow healthy when they get water in time.

Resource Box Info: This article discusses about the implementation, applications and some of the advantages and disadvantages of the lawn irrigation systems. For more information on the irrigation system you can visit

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Irrigation Sprinkler Heads

Advancements in the field of manufacturing have brought in special devices that can replace conventional irrigation systems. Conventional irrigation involves wastage of water with poor water productivity exhibited. Also these irrigation systems have limited range that can be achieved. Also flexibility in conventional irrigation systems is totally absent. All these have paved way for entry of new type of irrigation system named sprinkler head irrigation systems.

An overview of irrigation sprinkler heads

Sprinkler heads are component of irrigation systems that tend to irrigate land by sprinkling action. This sprinkling action is achieved by powering water through small nozzles. The irrigation obtained through sprinkler heads is flexible. It can have better reach compared to other irrigation system. Precision machining has also improved the durability of sprinkler heads appreciably making it useful for sufficient duration of time.

Types of sprinkler heads

There are several types of sprinkler heads that are employed to different types of application. The selection of a specific sprinkler head is dependent on the dimensions of the cultivable land.

  • Tripod type sprinklers

Tripod type of sprinklers is present with stand that facilitates the use of sprinklers to be positioned at particular direction. The direction can also be varied by actuating controls of tripod. Mechanical linkages are present to move them manually. The hose or tubing can be attached to the sprinkler head at specific location.

  • Pop up sprinkler heads

Pop up type sprinklers is popular among all the cultivators present all over the world. The water is sprayed to longer distance at particular pressure. Thus longer reach can be achieved. Different types of nozzles are available to cater all the range of land. These are placed on the surface of ground and water supply can be connected to them with suitable hose.

  • Rotor type sprinklers

Rotor type sprinkler heads are available in commercial market. These rotor sprinklers are used to irrigate all around the land. The reach can be talked based on the angle covered by the heads. Certain designs can have longer reach as well as better angular cover all around the land.

Article Summary:

Sprinkler head irrigation systems can be utilized to irrigate large range of cultivable land. The design of sprinkler heads differs based on the application of irrigation system to particular land. There are different types of sprinkler heads that are employed in regular agricultural practice namely rotor type sprinklers and pop up spray sprinklers.

Resource Box Info: This page discusses about usefulness of sprinkler heads in agriculture practice. Irrigation using sprinkler heads are discussed briefly here. One can visit to obtain some more information regarding the topic. Also details about other irrigation systems can also be acquired from the website.

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