Posts Tagged agricultural practice

Drip Irrigation Vegetable Gardens

Conventional irrigation system is confined with number of disadvantages to be associated with. The development of the facilities in agriculture has prompted people to adopt drip irrigation for carrying out all agricultural practices. Drip irrigation provides several features when compared with the

Drip irrigation for vegetable gardens

Vegetable gardens are irrigated by drip irrigation in modern agricultural practice.. Gardens employ different kinds of plants to be grown under one shelter. This makes the work of gardener to be difficult in maintaining the garden. So it is advisable to use drip irrigation technique to have programmed watering of plants. This enables proper maintenance of moisture level in the ground. Since vegetable plants require different watering for obtaining better growth of plants.

Tips for getting efficient drip irrigation for vegetable gardens

It is essential to maintain adequate level of pressure in the tubing of drip irrigation. The micro irrigation technique can aid planned watering of younger plants. The watering of large and grown plants can be done using different types of emitters. Overall usage of water can be optimized with some practical testing of the drip irrigation system after installation. Vegetable plants like carrot can require only adequate amount of moisture to be maintained through out its growth cycle. So it is advisable for the designers to use multiple emitters and bubblers to carryout watering of those plants. Stream bubblers can be used for watering plants like tomato. The constant moisture can be preserved in the vegetable garden by drip irrigation technique.

Advantages of drip irrigation in vegetable gardens

Vegetable gardens with drip irrigation involve splitters used to channel the water for different plants. These can reduce the overall wastage of water yielding to effective water conservation. Drip irrigation provides random type watering enabling elimination of the weeds in vegetable garden. Vegetable gardens are prevented from soil erosion by using modular drip irrigation system.

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Center Pivot Irrigation

Agriculture practices have diversified simultaneously with the progress in the field of science and technology. Newer ways in agricultural practices are developed by the researches that are conducted based on the people’s requirement placed before the scientific fraternity. General exploration of land has brought in special type of terrains to be cultivated. These unique terrains require different kinds of irrigation technique to be employed. Also based on varied irrigation practices, the crops can be cultivated in small production or large-scale production. Irrigation techniques differ based on the type of land that is to be cultivated with prominent environment conditions. Based on the amount of water source present and sophistication infused by advancements, one can use numerous special irrigation systems. Of them, center pivot irrigation system is also popular among all countries in the world.

What is center pivot irrigation?

Center pivot irrigation includes unique machine that transports water in circular patterns in order to cover up all the field area. The area of filed covered by center pivot irrigation is largely dependent on the length of machine employed. Also it can be utilized to cover up several hectares of land to be irrigated within short interval of time. Some of salient features of center pivot irrigation can be discussed with some brief note over the construction of the center pivot irrigation machine. The irrigation machine tends to provide proper supply of water throughout the field. The construction details show that hydraulic actuators that are present initiate the movement of the machine. The tubing used for the manufacture of machine can be aluminum.

Pros and cons of center pivot irrigation

There are several advantages and disadvantages associated with the development of center pivot irrigation method in regular agricultural practice. One can witness high initial cost to be spent by the farmer. Also the maintenance cost of the machine could be cashing for the farmers. This can be compensated with the large-scale production of crops. The main advantage of the center pivot irrigation system is that it can be used to irrigate long distance with only limitation that surface topography should be flat.

Article Summary:

Center pivot irrigation is unique irrigation methodology employed to irrigate crops in circles. The land is covered by circular pattern irrigation obtained by transferring pivot machine that supplies water through rotary motion. This kind of irrigation is also termed as overhead type sprinkler irrigation. The area that is irrigated is dependent on the total reach of segments of tubing available over the machine.

Resource Box Info: This page  provides information regarding the use of center pivot irrigation system in regular irrigation practice. Also some practical knowledge about application of this irrigation system has been discussed. For some details about this topic one can read through pages at

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