Drip Irrigation Systems vs Other Irrigation Systems

The drip irrigation is employed for the cultivation of variety of crops such as melon plants. Since only optimum moisture level is to be maintained within cultivation land, one can adopt drip irrigation. For plants like melon family need only less amount of water, drip irrigation can be handful.

Irrigation facilities play a major role in the growth of crop. Based on the advancements in the field of irrigation, one can value the cultivation practice qualitatively. For growth of certain plants one prefers to have only optimum level of moisture to be prevailed in growing atmosphere. Also employment of special type of irrigation system has benefited people to march through path of sustainable agriculture. The farmers established all over the world welcome this concept of sustainable agriculture. The main agenda of irrigation system like drip irrigation is that it is used to optimize the use of fertilizers and water. It institutes a striking balance between use of fertilizers and use of water to facilitate growth of crops.

What is drip irrigation?

Drip irrigation is a special type of irrigation that includes use of tubing to directly deliver the water in drops at the root level or ground level. This can considered most sophisticated way of conserving water. The use of fertilizers can also be limited to great extent. Also the employment of tubing can also limit the wastage of water. This is employed for crops that require only optimum level of moisture to be maintained.

Comparison With Other Irrigation Systems

Drip irrigation systems are considered to be valuable in placed wherein the availability of water is limited. Also people who care about the plant’s overall moisture level employ this irrigation system. The faster transfer of water can be added advantage for the crops to flourish. This also promotes increased efficiency of water application. It enables people to irrigate irregular structured fields, which is not possible by any other irrigation system. This drip irrigation eliminates the soil erosion completely leading to better conveyance of organic nutrients to the plant on the whole.

Pros and Cons of Drip Irrigation

There are several pros and cons associated with application of drip irrigation. It burdens the farmer by creating special tubing to be installed before actual cultivation. Also any mishap in the installation process can yield severe damage to crop making overall process wasted. But crops can fetch uniform distribution of water. This type of irrigation minimizes foliage leading to lesser diseases.

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