Main Units Required For A Drip Irrigation System

The system which consists of the tools and equipmen that provides the applicable of drip irrigation method called by drip irrigation system.The equipments of drip irrigation system divides three main groups.

1- Pressure and Control Unit :

  • Water source
  • Pump
  • Compost Pump
  • Hydroacyclone
  • Filter
  • Flow – Pressure measuring and regulatory equipments

2- Water transmission and distrubitom equipments (Pipes) :

  • Main pipe line
  • Side pipe line (Manifold)
  • Dripper pipes (Lateral pipes)

3- Drippers

1. Pressure and Control Unit :

It provides the pressure to system working. Also It make sure give compost and other chemicals to the system by controling pressure and flow. Besides It provides the filtering water to prevent the stoppages in the system.

a) Water Source: It must be taken from a high place to provide watering. This pool might be from the water which is taken from underground by centrifuge pump or sources like river,lake etc. You can use any type of water source in drip irrigation system. But the water shouldn’t contains alot of sand,sediment and foreign body.

b) Pump: Pump should be used for system working If the water source is not enough higher(15-20 m) than ground which will be watered. Mostly centrifuge pump used to be because of drip irrigation systems work under low pressure area(0,5-2,0 atm) and motor power requeirement is less. Centrifuge pump provides the minumum 0.1 atm pressure how much system reqires to start the working. For instance; 2.5-3 kw electric power is enough to working of pump which will be used to watering 80 decar fruit franch.

c) Compost Tank: Compost tank provides the give chemical composts to the system in solution version. It is used before filter in frip irrigation system. A part of water of system around the (1/3,1/4) mixed with compost irrigation water by passing this tank which has capacity around 25-100 liter when compost will be given to the system. Besides basic foods for plants applied mixing with irrigation water in drip irrigation systems. For this purpose liquid compost used. Compost tank to be attached on main pipe with hoses which has valves on itself from two places. One of them is necessary for water input and other one for water exit in compost tank. The valve on main pipe partly closed and input and output valves of compost tank opened when compost will be applied. In this a part of water in main pipe transmission to the compost tank provided in this way. In here water returns to the main pipe in mixed mode with compost.

d) Hydroa-Cyclone: It used to be in irrigation waters which has a lot of sand ration. It reduces stoppage risk in drippers by get the sand in water.

e) Filter: This is the most important part of drip irrigation system. Irrigation water passed in filter before given to the transmission equiments. In this way sand,silt,algae and solid particle in solution compost seperated from water. Two different filter preferred to use if there is large solids in suspension in water such as sand and silt. First one is in pump exit and provides to stop big materials. It is shaped like cylinder and filled with sand-gravel.It is also named sand filter. Second one is in the exit of compost tank and provides to filter chemical compound, algeas and so thin materials. Mostly formed by sieves which has 100-250 mes(material einkauf system). It is located in water tank exit to stop the solid particles that formed from compost. Sieves should be take aparted and cleaned after every irrigation transaction. The first filter may not be necessary if the water is clean and doesnt contain huge materials.

f) Flow Pressure Measuring and Regulatory Equipments: Manometers and pressure requlators are located on suitable and needful places of control unit to know the flow out of water and keep under control system pressure. Manometer might be located on begining points of transmission and distrubition equipments If it is necessary.

2. Water Transmission and Distribution Equipments (Pipes):

These are the equipments that transmit the water which is taken from pump and control unit to the drippers which is located around the effective origin region of plant.

a) Main Pipe Line: Main pipes transmit the water to the side pipe (manifold) line which is coming from source by passing in control unit. Mostly pipes used which is produced from brutal PVC or flexible PE material. Main pipes usually barried under ground in constant systems.

b) Side Pipe Line (Manifold): Transmits the water to the dripper pipes whish is taken from main pipe. Its specifications except the diameter are similar with main pipe. Its diameter mostly formed between 25 and 100 mm. It also barried under ground such as main pipe line according to the conditions. Sometimes, side pipe line goes over the ground surface in some systems. In this case soft polyethylene pipe used. The water may transmits directly to the side pipe line without main pipe line in the systems which has low capacity and small irrigation area. The pipes used in side pipe line which has diameter starting from 32 mm up to the 100 mm. In this case brutal pipe(PVC or galvanized) used.

c) Dripper Pipes (Lateral Pipes) : These are pipe lines are formed by pipes which is take the water from side pipe lines and gives it to the drippers by distributes it to the ground. These are also named by water distrubiton pipes or lateral pipes. Drippers are located on this pipes by determined distance(20 cm, 25,33,40,50 etc.). Because of that it is called like dripper line. Flexible polyethylene(PE) pipes or soft PVC pipes used.Its diameters are between 12 and 30 mm. It is adviced the lengths of the pipes should not exceed 100 m. But It could raise up to 300 m depends on system pressure, flow out and dripper distance. The version which goes over the ground surface used much more than the version which goes under ground.

3. Drippers:

These are the equipments which transmits the water to the ground by almost zero flow out or no pressure cases. These are like a part of dripper pipes(lateral).It has specification that decrease both pressure and flow out. Because of that its diameters usually changes between 0.2-2mm. Two different principles used in decrease the pressure on drippers. One of them used for decrease the pressure by orifice and other one by loss of friction. Water passed in long way capillary pipes or swith-back(circular) flow enviroment for decrease the pressure by friction.

Drippers are two types according to positon on pipe so how dripper located on pipe: Pipe over (line over,online) drippers and pipe in (line in,inline) drippers. Pipe over drippers usually formed orificial and produced seperate. It is attached on the dripper with desired distances by a special equipment. It could be changed when it is broken. Besides hose could be attached to the exits of this by making multiple drop exit. In this way Drip points could be move far away from lateral. Pipe in drippers usually produced with switch-back(circular) dripper pipes or long way capillary dripper pipes.

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  1. Terry Analo said

    Hi! I am interested in farming and would like to know how much it would cost me to install drip irrigation pipes to cater for a quarter of an acre.

  2. Namskar,
    agricultureguide portel is very usefull to those watch & read caree fully
    my self it tomuch guided to me as a new farmer .information about drip irrigation sys is very usfull to guide to me about corn crop how to use & why to use & witch micronutrant is useful to mentioned crop in india.

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